Monday, January 29, 2007

benefits in kind.

Thomas Aquinas
became a saint on
a Wednesday afternoon.

On Monday morning,
he was jogging, shopping,
and his wrist watch stoppd ticking.

He didn't notice,
but it happened at the
same moment he stoppd
to tie his left shoe.

St. Aquinas didn't normally
prefer footwear with laces.
But on Mondays
his professional regimen requird
him to stretch beyond
his personal preferences.

Mondays are daisy days
at his local florist.

And he bought
three pink ones to get
three more orange ones
half off.

Three flowers for his
right-handed clergymen.
Three flowers for his
left-handed choir boys.
Those boys just liked pink.

Those men did not
very much like orange,
but they refrained from
speaking their minds
when St. Thomas was
in the room.

Sitting at a table
with three square edges
and one rounded one,
the elder clergymen
knew their place.

They each had their
own square edge,
and they knew
their corners separated them.

Thomas did not
become a saint for sitting
at a table with
one rounded edge.

When his watch stoppd
keeping up with the crystal quartz,
he knew he needed
more curves in his daily bread.

He wondered if
atomic clocks give
radiation poisoning.

On Tuesday
he skipped the florist
and went to the jewellers.

The jeweller always
makes faces when you
enter the shop merely
to replace a battery.

To save face,
Thomas Aquinas bought
three watches and three necklaces.

Three square clock-pieces
for his right handed clergymen.
Three discount silver medallions
for his lefthanded choir boys.

Those men did not
very much like their square watches,
because, honestly,
it betrayed their understanding
of God's infinity,
but they refrained from
speaking their minds
when St. Thomas brought them
their presents.

Those boys, though,
knew exactly how
to hang silver
around their supple necks.

Those mezzo-sopranos,
those sweet things,
didn't even turn green
with that cheap silver alloy
resting on their throats.

On Wednesday,
Thomas Aquinas bought
a new table to bring
to the office.

The table was circle,
but he specified a
geometric chord
to be removed,
squaring one side.

Sitting around the table
with his three elder clergymen,
he noticed how
this new dynamic
changed their conversations.

He took a step down,
as the new circumference
of the table took
one and one and one
and made Three.

The trinity became
a single spirit at
this new table.

He found humility
on this Wednesday
at the office.

Thomas Aquinas,
the patron saint
of geometry.

Thomas Aquinas,
the patron saint
of corporate benefits in kind.


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